Configure Ubuntu 14.04 for OpenHelpdesk’s installation

This guide will drive you to configure an Ubuntu 14.04 (server) for afterwards installation an OpenHelpdesk instance. Subsequent commands will be launched as root user.

Pip and setuptools

Install last version of pip and setuptools:

# wget
# python

Virtualen and virtualenwrapper

Install last version of virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:

# pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
# mkdir /opt/virtualenvs
# mkdir /opt/djangoprjs

and configure virtualenvwrapper adding three lines to your shell startup file (.bashrc, .profile, etc.):

export WORKON_HOME=/opt/virtualenvs
export PROJECT_HOME=/opt/djangoprjs
source /usr/local/bin/

After editing it, reload the startup file (e.g., run source ~/.bashrc).


view the Virtualenvwrapper Docs for more information

Packages required

Install libpq-dev and python-dev packages:

# apt-get install -y libpq-dev python-dev

Virtuaenv for OpenHelpdesk

Create a virtualenv named open-helpdesk for OpenHelpdesk instance:

# root@ubuntu140402:~# mkvirtualenv open-helpesk


Activate open-helpdesk virtualenv:

# workon openhelpdesk

and install into it OpenHelpdesk from pypi using pip by running the command below, which will also install the required dependencies:

(open-helpesk)# pip install open-helpdesk

Move into /opt/djangoprjs:

(open-helpesk)# cd /opt/djangoprjs

and follow the paragraph You don’t have an existing Mezzanine projects into Getting Started section.